The value you add to your client’s life, as a Financial Advisor, would be clearly understood were you lucky enough to overhear them speaking about you around the braai with buddies. Can you picture them? What might they be saying?
Eves Dropping on Frank’s* Clients:
- “Frank* is such a legend, he always picks the best investments for me. It’s just up, up and up”
- “Frank* is such a good oke – always sends me an up-to-date calendar and keeps his commission low”
- “Frank* makes sure I’m insured up the wazoo, really appreciate that”
- “Frank* knows what’s best – that Financial Plan is really complicated”
- “Frank* has the nicest offices”
- “Frank* must be a Nobel Prize-winning actuary! I can’t understand a word that comes out of his mouth”
[NOTE: *”Frank” is not the advisor’s real name. A false name has been used to protect his real identity. No advisors were harmed in the re-enactment of these quotes.]
The Clients’ Perspective
I’m sure these aren’t the things you hope your clients are sharing about you. The reality though is that they speak about your service as they experience it, not how you expect them to. This “experience” is influenced by all the touch points they come across in their relationship with you – your website, business card, data collection process, the coffee chat, advice recommendations, turn-around times, email comms, ongoing reviews, etc, etc. It’s also true that some touch-points are proportionately more important than others – the cleanest bathrooms on the planet will go completely neglected in the braai-chatter if the client feels like the whole show was a charade to sell a policy.
What Really Counts?
I have a hunch, that your clients, value the engagement they have with you, the most. More than big documents, spamming them with emails and South American Coffee. They want to feel that we care more about them updating us with events happening in their lives than events happening in ours.